GLAMOUR: an exciting week in ECOMONDO 2022
GLAMOUR will participate in ECOMONDO, the benchmark event in Europe for technological and industrial innovation in the field of green and circular economy, which will be held in Rimini (Italy) from 8th to 11th November 2022.
The project will be presented to stakeholder and key players of the Agri-Food and Bioeconomy fields with an oral presentation to be held in the framework of the session “Waste as Resources: innovative technologies for recycling and recovery“, scheduled on Tuesday, 8th November.
On November 10th, GLAMOUR Consortium will also host the Project Industrial & Replication Workshop: an event moderated by CiaoTech to explore and discuss the latest achievements made towards the demonstration of advanced biofuels and clean energy technologies. Register to join us!
In addition, GLAMOUR will be also displayed in the CiaoTech – PNO Group hub of projects. CiaoTech – the partner leader of the Exploitation and Dissemination activities of the project – will provide more information about the initiative in its booth, Hall D1, Stand 189!